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Maintaining Your Asphalt Paving In Syracuse, New York.
Well-constructed asphalt projects are designed to last a long time, but a number of factors may determine the asphalt's ability to resist degradation with the passage of time. In the end, all asphalt paving in Syracuse will need repair or replacement, but you can extend the life of your current installation with proper maintenance.
Wear and tear caused by any kind of usage, whether or not it is people walking on asphalt or vehicles driving over it, will cause small faults in the surface. These may be tiny holes and cracks to begin with, but weather conditions can make them worse.
Water getting into these imperfections will cause them to worsen as the weather changes. Issues that are invisible on the surface can have a dramatic effect on the stability of the surface.
Cracks begin from two sources – underground and surface changes. As noted above, if water enters a crack it can cause the crack to worsen. The physical volume of water will change at different temperatures. Should the water turn into ice, the liquid will become larger as a solid. This shift means a small hole grows into a larger crack or frost heave as the water in it expands to ice in the winter. Plows clearing snow from streets or sidewalks can catch on the edge of a crack or frost heave opening up the area of a hole even more.
To help prevent this damage, good surface drainage needs to be in place. Any existing drainage systems should be checked regularly to make sure they are functioning as intended. If a system is inadequate, it will need to be modified or replaced. Some cracks may be caused by the base shifting or cracking far below the surface. Wide cracks will need to be stripped out and repaved to ensure the integrity of the surface. If the base or sub-base shifts too far, the entire installation of asphalt in Syracuse may need to be replaced.
Pot Holes
Potholes can develop in a similar way to cracks. The entry of water below the surface can erode materials underground causing a pothole to appear on the surface. A surface asphalt layer that is too thin also has the capacity to produce potholes. Where some cracks or potholes can be filled in and repaved, potholes caused by thin surfaces should not be filled in as they are prone to reappear in different locations. The best solution, in this case, is to apply an asphalt overlay of the correct thickness after the original surface has been made safe and solid.
Additional work will be required for any built-in access points or metalwork that is level with the original surface, as all must be raised to match the new higher surface. When this kind of project is completed properly, you will have a durable pavement project that will last for years and should no longer be subject to potholes.
Trees And Plants
As trees and plants grow and increase in size, their roots spread out too. This growth can result in the roots spreading underneath previously-laid asphalt pavement causing sections to lift and crack. This damage can allow water easy access to the different layers of the asphalt project as well as below it, all of which can lead to further damage.
To repair this kind of problem, the paved area around the root should be cut out and the root removed to the extent possible. Any damage to the sub-base or base should be repaired, and then a new layer of asphalt applied over the removed area. If done correctly, this repaired area will now be as strong as any other area of your asphalt pavement.
Preventative Maintenance
Sealcoating is a technique whereby a protective coating is painted over an existing asphalt pavement. This helps keep moisture out and protects the surface from extreme weather conditions.
Damage can be caused to asphalt by spillage from vehicles, and a sealcoat will help protect the surface from damage caused by oil and gasoline. A variety of sealcoats are available that are suitable for different applications and can even provide new features to the existing surface.
For example, a sealcoat that contains sand will help provide a better grip on the new surface. If your asphalt pavement in New York is not sealcoated, it will not last as long as the sealcoated alternative. To replace an asphalt pavement or resurface it with a new overlay can be expensive. However, applying a sealcoat, if warranted, is a much cheaper option that will extend the maximum lifespan of your asphalt pavement by a great margin.
In Summary
Looking after the surface you already have installed, and repairing it when necessary, is a better option economically than starting completely over. In some instances, you will need to repair significant areas to get them back in good order, but taking care of the asphalt pavement and adhering to good maintenance practices will keep your surface looking great for many years to come.
Call Earth Road Inc. Asphalt to schedule an on-site appointment with our experienced Asphalt and Pavement Contractor. We are ready to help you maintain and repair your asphalt paving today.