Phone: 315-253-9060 / Fax: 315-253-9061
277 North St. Bldg. A Auburn, NY 13021
Woman Owned

Blacktop Syracuse
Correctly installing an asphalt driveway determines whether your job lasts for a few years or a lifetime. Choosing Earth Road Asphalt virtually guarantees that your blacktop installation will last for many years to come. When you hire Earth Road Asphalt, you can trust that we use our expertise.
The fact is, over the years, we've encountered thousands of driveways. We've seen some that are 15 or 20 years old and look brand new. On the other hand, we've seen some of the worst blacktop construction imaginable! We've seen driveways less than a year old cracked and damaged and looking 15 to 20-years-older. Many Syracuse homeowners have complained and sent us pictures of some of the worst driveways we've ever seen anywhere!
​Indeed, in Syracuse, NY, homeowners have lost thousands of dollars by not choosing the right companies for blacktop. Don't waste your money on an inexperienced or fly-by-night contractor. Instead, call Earth Road Asphalt to install blacktop in Syracuse the right way.
Preparation for Blacktop in Syracuse
Proper subgrade preparation is essential for a driveway, which can last a lifetime. The better the subgrade preparation, the better the driveway. Still, the most critical aspect of the grading process is the drainage plan. The soil should be excavated and fine-graded for proper water drainage. We want to make sure that two things happen here:
​ 1.-The water runs away from the house or garage to avoid flooding
2.-We want there to be a certainty that the water runs off of your asphalt
​It is critical to avoid water pooling and water sitting on the asphalt's surface to prevent blacktop failure and premature deterioration.
We remove materials such as rocks and gravel before the blacktop installation process begins. This cleanup process is necessary before grading and paving the driveway. If the driveway consists of any soft or unstable material, such as clay, sand, or topsoil, these materials are discarded. Then, a strong base material like road base, recycled concrete, or limestone is installed before installing your blacktop. This allows the stabilization of the subgrade and makes the driveway stronger and more durable.
Should Long Driveways be Crowned?
Contrary to popular belief, long driveways should not be graded with a crown in them. Long driveways should be graded flat with a slight pitch to either side to get the water to run off your blacktop's surface. There is absolutely no advantage to crowning a long driveway. Crowning can lead to premature deterioration and pavement failure.